AdminX - Free Admin Template
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The Admin Template That Adapts to Your Vision

Meet AdminX, the React Admin template that’s easy to use and looks great.

AdminX is made for people who build websites and apps. We’ve put together a bunch of cool features that make your work easier and your website faster. You can change how it looks and feels, add maps, show data in charts, and lots more. Plus, it works well on phones and computers.

Template Features:

  • Buttons & Badges: AdminX comes with a variety of buttons and badges, ready to be deployed for any action or notification within your admin panel. Whether it’s submitting forms or indicating status, our buttons and badges are designed for intuitive interaction.
  • Social Buttons: Integrate social media functionality seamlessly with our dedicated social buttons, ensuring your users stay connected across platforms without leaving the admin environment.
  • Cards & Alerts: Our cards are the building blocks of your content, presenting data in a clean, organized manner, while alerts are there to grab attention when important information needs to be communicated.
  • Progress Bars & Modals: Track task completion with stylish progress bars and engage users with modals for focused interactions without navigating away from the current page.
  • Grids & Typography: AdminX’s grid system ensures a responsive layout, while our typography settings guarantee readability and aesthetic appeal across all devices.
  • Tables & Forms: Manage and display data efficiently with our responsive tables, and create forms with ease, supported by our multi-select and icon options for a complete data entry solution.
  • Widgets & Charts: Enhance your dashboard with widgets that provide quick insights and charts powered by Chart JS and Recharts for data visualization that speaks volumes.
  • Maps: Incorporate interactive maps into your admin panel with Google Maps and Leaflet Maps, offering users a geographical perspective at a glance.
  • Authentication Pages: Secure your application with our pre-designed authentication pages, ensuring a smooth and secure login experience.
  • Error Pages: AdminX includes custom error pages for 404 and 500 errors, turning unfortunate mishaps into opportunities for a polished user experience.

Design Aesthetics:

  • Dark/Light Mode: Cater to user preferences with a simple toggle between dark and light modes, reducing eye strain and accommodating different working environments.
  • LTR/RTL Support: AdminX supports both left-to-right and right-to-left text directions, making it a versatile choice for global applications.
  • Sidebar Collapse: Our collapsible sidebar ensures maximum use of screen real estate, providing users with more space to work while keeping essential navigation accessible.

Customization Capabilities:

  • DashboardDataContext.jsx: Customize RTL, layout, and theme modes directly within the dashboardDataContext.jsx file, giving you control over the look and feel of your admin panel.
  • Sidebar Variations: While the sidebar background color remains consistent, you have the freedom to adjust its behavior and appearance to match your branding.

Bootstrap Version:

  • Bootstrap 5.3.2: AdminX is built on the latest Bootstrap framework, ensuring modern design and functionality that’s in step with current web standards.

Technical Requirements:

  • Tech Stack: Leveraging React, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React Bootstrap, JS, and SCSS, AdminX is a powerhouse of modern web technologies, providing a seamless development experience.

Licensing and Pricing:

  • Free for All: AdminX is your cost-free solution to a professional-grade admin panel. Experience premium features without the premium price tag.
AdminX is more than just a bunch of tools; it’s a way to make your website’s admin area really good without spending any money. It’s made to be easy for everyone to use,

MIT License











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Upgrade to PRO Version

Enhance your capabilities with AdminX Pro, which offers significantly more features than the free version. We look forward to seeing you create amazing websites and templates with this product!

Free FeaturesPro Features
Handcrafted Elements100100
Customized Plugins2020
Example Pages2523
Full Coded
Well Documented
Fully Responsive
Premium Support

What Our Customers Say

Overall Rating

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